Rhodes is currently experiencing slow access to international sites (including .za sites hosted overseas). This problem affects most universities in South Africa, as well as a number of other organisations.
The reason for the slowness is that at present our traffic is being carried by an alternative, lower capacity circuit rather than the SEACOM cable that normally provides us with international Internet access. This circuit has about 3% of the capacity of our regular circuit, and is likely to be somewhat congested.
At the moment scheduled emergency maintenance is being carried out on the SEA-ME-WE-4 fibre optic cable that links SEACOM to Europe. (This is the maintenance that was first announced a week ago.) The maintenance work, which is taking place in the Mediterranean sea, is scheduled to take between six hours and three days, weather depending. We're informed that weather conditions in the Mediterranean are currently delaying the repair work. Once repair work is complete, normal service will be restored.
All Rhodes users are asked to limit their use of non-essential international sites (particularly where this involves significant downloads, etc) until normal connectivity is restored. Depending on the duration of this maintenance work, it may become necessary for us to impose temporary restrictions on access during the course of tomorrow (Monday).