2024/07/23 - Scheduled maintenance, 23 July

During the maintenance window, maintenance work will affect certain services, starting at 5:30 PM and being completed before midnight. The following work is planned:

  • Distribution routers: software will be updated on the routers serving all buildings in the areas listed below.  All network services (including Wi-Fi and IP telephones) may be disrupted in those areas for up to 30 minutes.
    • North campus: all buildings north of Prince Alfred St and west of Somerset St
    • Hill campus: all buildings which are south of Prince Alfred St and west of New House (inclusive).
  • Firewalls: software will be updated on the firewalls which connect the Internet to the campus, SEALS and public networks.  Due to an issue encountered with the current version of software on the firewalls, a brief interruption to Internet access is expected when we switch between the firewalls: applications will need to reconnect and any downloads in progress at the time will be aborted and will need to be restarted.
  • Core router software update: the software on both of the two core routers will be updated. As the core routers operate as a redundant pair, no noticeable outage is expected during this maintenance.
  • Internet edge routers: the software on one of the two edge routers will be updated. No noticeable outage is expected as all network traffic should be handled by the other edge router.

This work is being conducted during a minor maintenance period. Should there be a compelling reason why this work should not go ahead as planned, please contact before 3:00 PM on Tuesday.

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