2022/05/31 - Scheduled maintenance, 31 May

During the Tuesday, 31 May maintenance window, maintenance work may affect certain services, starting at 5:30 PM and being completed before midnight. The following work is planned:

  • Core router: one of the two core routers in the campus network will be replaced. No noticeable outage is expected as all network traffic should be handled by the other core router.  In the event of unforeseen problems with the new router, there may be disruptions; potentially affecting all network services on campus.
  • Internet edge routers: software on one of the two routers which connect the campus, public and SEALS networks to the university's upstream ISPs will be updated. No noticeable outage is expected as all network traffic should be handled by the other core router.  In the event of unforeseen problems with the new software, there could be Internet outages.

This work is being conducted during a minor maintenance period. Should there be a compelling reason why this work should not go ahead as planned, please contact before 3:00 PM on Tuesday.

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