During the Tuesday, 22 November maintenance window, maintenance work will affect certain services, starting at 5:30 PM and being completed before midnight. The following work is planned:
Wi-Fi: software will be updated on Wi-Fi access points in the buildings listed below. Wi-Fi services will be unavailable for 20 minutes.
2, 3 Croft St
23, 33 South St
Allan Webb Dining Hall
Allen St Flats
Alumni House
Anthropology GIS lab
Biological Sciences Building
Building Maintenance
Catering and Housekeeping Headquarters
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
Chessington Place
Confucius Institute
Continuing Education Centre
Courtenay Latimer Dining Hall
CSSR House
DIFS General Lab
Drostdy Barracks
Drostdy Dining Hall
Drostdy Lodge
Fine Art main building and St Peters campus annexe
Founders Lodge
Furniture and Equipment Stores
Great Hall
Grounds and Gardens Headquarters
Health Care Centre
Highway Africa building
Hobson Dining Hall
ISER and annexe
Jan Smuts Dining Hall
Kimberley Dining Hall
Law Clinic
Maintenance Stores
Mandela Dining Hall
Old Laundry
Physics and Electronics Building
Politics Building
Royal Engineers Building
Selwyn Castle
Sports administration
St Mary Dining Hall
Steve Biko Union Building
Stockenstrom Place
Firewalls: software will be updated on the firewalls which connect the Internet to the campus, SEALS and public networks. As the firewalls operate as a redundant pair, no noticeable outage is expected during this maintenance. This work was previously planned for 1 November but could not be completed then due to an issue that caused an outage. That issue was investigated and fixed on 8 November so minimal impact is expected now.
This work is being conducted during a minor maintenance period. Should there be a compelling reason why this work should not go ahead as planned, please contact support@ru.ac.za before 3:00 PM on Tuesday.