2019/03/12 - Scheduled maintenance, 12 March

IT scheduled maintenance work will occur on Tuesday, March 12th, starting at 8:00 PM.

  • Single Sign On service: the software which provides the single sign on service will be updated.  We expect that it will not be possible to login to services using the single sign on service, such as RUconnected, ROSS and the Ethical Review Application System, at times during the evening.

This work is being conducted during a minor maintenance period. Should there be a compelling reason why this work should not go ahead as planned, please contact before 4:00 PM on Tuesday.

Update, 1:52 PM, 12 March: this work has had to be cancelled due to problems found while testing the new version of the software.  When a revised version of the software is available and tested, we'll announce a new date for the upgrade.

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