2014/11/24 - Unencrypted IMAP to be discontinued
The University currently allows unencrypted (unsecured) connections to its IMAP mailbox servers. Such connections are not secure, and have been informally deprecated for some time. Support for unencrypted clients was retained to reduce the disruption for people with older mail clients, and the intent was that over time natural attrition would remove the need for this.

Unfortunately we continue to see new email clients configured to use unsecured connections to the IMAP servers. For this reason, we will be discontinuing support for unencrypted IMAP connections at the end of June 2015.

You do not need to do anything about this immediately; if your computer is scheduled to be upgraded or replaced at the beginning of 2015, that would be an appropriate time to make this change. However, from July next year, any email client that does not make use of an encrypted IMAP connection will not be able to access mail.

The same will apply to unencrypted POP3 connections. However, rather than using encrypted POP3, users are strongly encouraged to move to IMAP. The use of POP3 is not supported, and the service is provided as-is.

If you'd like to check your mail settings, information on correctly configuring most mail clients can be found at There are also generic instructions showing the correct settings for any client.
Support for unencrypted IMAP and POP3 will be discontinued during the minor maintenance period on Tuesday 30 June. From Wednesday 1 July, it will no longer be possible to receive email via an unencrypted connection.

Individual users who've made use of the outdated settings recently have received personalised email asking them to update their settings. Provided they follow the instructions in that email, no outage is expected. However, email can still be accessed using

Please be aware that there is a related change scheduled for the end of July. The recommended settings we're asking people to use now cater for both changes.