2011/08/24 - Network Outage in Main Admin
As a result of a power failure earlier today, there is currently a network outage in the Main Admin building.

For some time now, the switch stack in Main Admin has failed to recover after power cuts. This is caused by a known problem in the firmware (the software that runs the switch), and we've discovered that new firmware has just been released that might address this. As a result we're going to upgrade the firmware running on the switches as we attempt to restore network connectivity. We're hoping that this will prevent the problem from recurring in future. We estimate that this will take between twenty and ninety minutes to fix, depending on the current state of the switch stack.

Once the network is restored, people in Main Admin may need to reboot their computers and/or power-cycle their telephones in order to get them to reconnect.
The firmware upgrade was completed at approximately 9:45, and all network connections within the Main Admin building should have been working since then. If there are any network points in the building which are still not working, please report them to the IT Help Desk.