During the Tuesday, March 6th maintenance window, maintenance will be done in the Main Admin building. This will cause complete network and IP telephone outages for all occupants of the South side of the Main Admin building (A2). All offices on the South (Eden Grove) side of the clock tower will be affected, including:
  • Dean of Students' office
  • Vice Chancellor & DVC: Academic & Student Affairs' offices
  • some parts of Human Resources
  • some parts of Finance
  • Council Chamber
  • Accounting department
  • Management department
  • Economics department
During the maintenance period, some of the network cables serving offices in these areas will be relocated and re-terminated. This is part of a larger project to revamp the network centre serving this building, and get it in line with current campus standards. People in the expected area can expect intermittent or no network access during the course of the maintenance work.

This is routine work in a single building, and thus would not normally be carried out during a scheduled maintenance window. However we are cogniscent of the large number of people that might be affected by this work, and the high profile of some of the offices involved. Therefore, to minimize inconvenience, this maintenance work is being undertaken in the ITSC-approved scheduled maintenance window.

Work will start at about 5.30PM, and it is expected that all work will be completed well before midnight.